BMW offers a nice clock and tachometer for the R bikes. One of the reasons I bought my bike was the accessories.
The clock is analog. It is mounted in a vibration-damping mount, and is lit. It is easy to read at night. Time is set via a small knob on the back. Anyone who walks up to your bike can change the time. In contrast, my Honda VFR had the clock integrated into the dash, and the time would not change unless the ignition switch was on.
Mind you, I'm not complaining about the BMW clock, just making an observation.
The quality of the accessories is high. The mounting angle is good, and I've rarely had trouble reading the clock or tachometer in any angle light. The faces are surrounded by a nice black bezel.
Here's a side view of the clock. The mount has rubber anti-vibration and is quite clever looking. The clock and tachometer were already installed, so I don't know how difficult they are to install.
Note the clock setting knob, visible on the bottom of the clock. The bar behind the time setting knob is the lower windscreen support.
The tachometer mounts on the right side. It is backlit and easy to view at night. Works fine. Like the clock it is also in a rubber mount.
Here's a side view of the tachometer.
I'm pushing the tachometer right. This photo and the next will give you an idea of how much the rubber mount will give.
When the bike is running the mount tends to decrease vibration in the tachometer. It works.
Here I'm pushing the tachometer to the left.