Down Home Flowers Photos Two
Abby attached a flower basket to the side of the house. Depending on the type of siding you have, this is as easy as putting in two screws. In the Fall Abby fills the basket with deep violet, and yellow purple pansies.
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A mixture of pansies can be very colorful. Get pansies at your favorite plant store starting in late September through October.
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Pink mums and yellow orange mums in galvanized buckets.
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That oval galvanized bucket holds two pots of mums.
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The delicate violet flowers of the kalankoe.
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A close up of the yellow mums. These plants are just covered with flowers.
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A close up of the pink (red? violet?) mums. Some mums are Winter hardy and will return in the spring.
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White impatiens and violet impatiens. Impatiens come in a wide range of colors including red, violet, purple, varigated, white, and pink. They are shade loving and do well in window boxes and planters.
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A butterfly. We have built brick dividers between the flower beds. More on the bricks later.
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Yellow marigolds. This is a low, bushy marigold about 10 inches tall.
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Yellow marigolds. With some marigold varieties you can save the seeds and grow your own in the Spring.
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Sunny yellow marigolds. These bright flowers add color to any garden. Some vegetable gardeners plant marigolds around the edges of the vegetable garden to keep pests away. Marigolds have a funny kind of pungent perfume.
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Orange and yello marigolds. My favorite marigolds are all the redder and more orange varieties. This plant is a beefy bush about 14 inches tall.
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Orange marigolds.
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Two orange (deep red?) marigolds.
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This marigold image is extra large for 17 inch monitors.
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Mandevilla makes these large (3 inch) blossoms. Not Winter hardy in Virginia.
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Pink mandevilla. The large image here is probably suitable for 15 inch monitors.
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White mandevilla with a yellow center. Mandevilla leaves are thick and glossy. It is a great looking plant. Seems to resist pests well.
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Pink mandevilla, flowers, and buds.
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